4 reasons morning yoga sadhanas (practices) are essential for personal growth

Why are yogic practices best initiated in the morning? There are several reasons but I’m going to focus on the top 4 most powerful for me. I hope this inspires you to develop a regular daily practice as there’s nothing more important than you!

#1 To start the day getting ourselves into the best possible energetic flow.

This initiates our energy systems, particularly the kundalini energy to rise and empower our every move. Our metabolism can properly kick in and adjust or balance itself out over the day.

If our metabolism is sluggish, morning yogic practices including meditation and light journeys or flows are an integral part of reinvigorating this system. Morning practices before food are also amazing for weight loss or protein/fat adaptation as the body learns to use it’s store of fat for burning.

Also after a night sleep and deep detoxification, the detox organs need to be flushed out such as the lymphatic system, liver and kidneys. This is vital in ensuring clear channels to for energies, nutrients and Easter to flow where it needs to go, keeping us tip top!

#2 To focus the mind the way we intend on continuing the day, sharp, clear, empowered and aligned with the heart.

Much of our role here on earth is to journey our own individual path, realising our true essence, our true power, and sharing the lessons we learn along the way. Yoga is unity, try union of the mind with the self and the energy systems… Union with our ultimate divinity.

Working with the mind is integral in this journey of self-realisation and it’s a lifetime of working with the mind that helps us transcend through the different levels of consciousness and ultimately higher densities of being.

When we prioritise the mind in the morning, we start the day as we intend to lead it in full control and power. By aligning our intelligent heart energy with the mind, the heart can lead with the aid of the mind, rather than the other way around.

#3 To honour ourselves through devotion, the yoga of bhakti.

Keeping devotion as a practice toward ourselves can be such a challenge, especially in a world that prioritises material gain for others. We must keep coming back over and over again to devotional practices so that we reprogramme the conditioning deep within us that drives us to give to others before ourselves.

Many of us want to support the evolution of the planet and people in some way, and if so, it must start with ourselves. If we can’t sustain the deepest of devotion to ourselves, we’ll never be able to affectively do the same for others and will eventually burn out. I see it all the time and have experienced it personally. How we treat ourselves is a reflection of how we truly see humanity and what were prepared to do to help it grow.

#4 To honour our mother earth and the cosmos, the energies that sustain and guide us.

We are in a constant flow of recieving and giving energy with nature, this sharing being a fundamental mechanism of material and spiritual life as a human. Whether we are aware of it or not, it’s happening and the more awareness we grow, the more powerful reconnections, synchronicities and capacity for manifeststion grow.

When we start the day by honouring divine nature, we offer devotion, gratitude and love, amongst other energies that nature receives and responds to by supporting our journey.

A morning yoga practice doesn’t have to be just about meditation and asanas… Integrate other routines and activities too… Like sunbathing, lymphatic massage, movement, affirmations or gratitude practices, nutrition and more!

I’ve got some beautiful integrated yoga practices on my YouTube channel and my free e-book has lots of suggestions for a morning routine that you can incorporate too.

I’ve also written other articles about my morning routine. See one about my top 3 things to incorporate here.

Did you know I offer free 20 minute consultations to anyone that signs up to my mailing list? See for yourself, click the link above!

I hope you feel inspired to start or upgrade your morning practices today, because today really is the day you can step up into your next level of potential!


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