Awaken & enliven the new you

We are powerful beings designed to enjoy the full possibilities and potential of life, but too many of us are stagnating, losing hope and procrastinating. We keep putting off our growth for a time when we have time… Or a space in the future when we are more ‘free’.

The thing is, we’re never going to have time and be ‘free’ with that attitude… There will always be something in the way. Because it isn’t the time or space that really is the issue, it is us! We are getting in our own way!

We have these old patterns and conditioning running through like a bad computer programme that doesn’t allow us to GIVE to ourself, practice deep, restorative self-care or make the committment to radical self-growth. Because it’s scary and our mind would rather distract us than allow us to go into silence and face our Self.

It’s easier to keep going and convince ourself that life is fine and we’re living the dream, at our peak, getting stronger… But are we really living an inspired and full life?

When we do take courage, and allow ourself to go inward, it’s never as difficult as we think… We start to see that the challenge is all a part of our evolution and we start to welcome it… We feel relief that we no longer have to carry our stuff around… We feel strong because we’re feeling deep into our body, mind and soul without feeling hopeless or out of control.

But if you’re reading this abd don’t think any of this is possible… YouYfeel stuck and hopeless things will every change… Or you’ve tried and it didn’t work… Well, you’re in the right place…

I see you!

YOU  ARE NOT JUST A BODY – you are a SOUL experiencing itself as many things including a body, mind, consciousness, nature, energy… And there are so many more other beautiful experiences to be had as a human being.. Like joy, bliss, love and unity consciousness… There are so many ways we can authentically and unashamedly express our true Selves and be free.

It is our KUNDALINI ENERGY that is the fundamental power that enlivens our vessel, mind and soul. When we clear the stagnant old energies from our fields and AWAKEN this and other fundamental energy systems we can get access to greater levels and depths of our Self and of the world around us. We can raise our consciousness and deserving power, connect to who we really are, step into our true essence and power and manifest our reality by attracting what we desire and need.


STEPPING INTO OUR POTENTIAL takes dedication, commitment, time and self-care… You really have to want to create the life you dream of to commit to these potent practices. Because the life you dream of can BECOME your reality… Yes, you really can live your most incredible potential and possibility in life now…

I’m so grateful to have been able to create the life I want and deserve, but it hasn’t been easy… It’s taken dedication, discipline and willpower to get into the flow of life and also to let go of what was holding me back…

Now, I’m going to teach you how to do the same… But you’ll do it faster than I did and have more fun along the way! Plus I’m sharing a fully holistic method of Awakening the primal Kundalini energy and how to sustain it with full-spectrum living.

So you’ll be able to live the true incredible life you came here to live… You can show up to yourself, your family and community in a powerful way. You can break through all your limitations and be totally enlivened and free!

You see, awakening your kundalini isn’t just a one time experience, it takes persistent practice to raise and keep raising it as well as enabling it to do it’s deeper work to activate, cleanse and empower us.

I am looking for 7 of the most authentically enquiring students to teach in a very intimate environment and share very ancient and sacred Tantric and Vedantic practices from the Himalayan yogic lineage.

In my Awaken Your Kundalini – POTENT 6 WEEK INTEGRATED YOGA COURSE you will gain knowledge of Kundalini Energy, and be initiated into sacred practices to activate, raise and work with it. You will receive and channel your own transcendental wisdom that will raise your consciousness and give you greater determination to step forward in the world. You will gain the confidence to be your true, authentic Self and learn to love to body you are in. You will start to remember who you really are and develop an identity around your powers and strengths rather than your weaknesses and stories. This is a radical transformational programme designed to upgrade you in alignment and balance with where you are at.

OTHER BENEFITS of this course:

• Be initiated into potent pranayama, kriya, Himalayan Kundalini, hatha, meditation, mantra and freedom movement practices from ancient lineages
• Work with your shakti (creative) energy
• Learn about our fundamental energy systems – chakras & kundalini
• Activate your prana and creative powers
• Balance feminine and masculine energy
• Develop radical trust
• Develop awareness of your mind parts
• Shift old, stagnant & dense energies
• Develop conscious communication
• Start dropping the story
• Learn to meditate
• Cultivate devotional practices
• Learn about the basis of detoxification

This course is perfect for those new to Kundalini, Pranayama, Kriya, Meditation, Hatha, Movement or Mantra practices, or those who have experience but would like to deepen their understanding and experience from pure, ancient lineages.

OTHER GOODIES you’ll get to experience:

* Each student will have an individual integration session with Natasha Anand at the end of the course and will be given a specially created home sadhana (practice) to continue with.
* A special sacred fire ceremony.
* You’ll receive a specially chosen mantra and be given a mala meditation practice.
* Sacred ceremonial cacao from Guatemala.
* Nutrition plans to support your kundalini awakening.
* A beautiful sangha (community) of like-minded and hearted souls to share with and support each other.
* Being part of a private Facebook Group where we will share beautiful practices, wisdom, knowledge, resources and more.
* Discounts on other courses and therapies.
* Giveaways from our special partners like Biocare.

Take a look at the event page on Facebook here.

Or see my Earth Clinic website for info here.

Email to book on!

I hope to see you at the course!

All my love ❣️

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