Summer Solstice 2023 – Cosmic Insights

We’ve just seen Jupiter transit into Aries (see below) which is creating a strengthening and expansion of the Grid Of Light at this time. The Summer Solstice Energies see the Moon coming into it’s home of Cancer – where Venus and her Lover Mars also reside for a time. What we have here is a balancing of the Water and the Fire; the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

The structure and organising quality of the Divine Masculine Fire strongly and yet tenderly holds the surrender of the Divine Feminine into the Water.


What an EPIC Spring to Summer transition this is bringing – all the natural spring REBIRTH energies backed by this incredible astrology (read below). This Summer Solstice Portal is going to be PHENOMENAL. A true BAPTISM by FIRE.

This PORTAL is creating a point in time of profound balance and Sacred Union – and if we are ready for this – we can programme it into our template for the highest of UPGRADES. This is a day for Supreme Coding, DNA Imprinting, Energetic Recalibration and Neural Rewiring.

So here’s the breakdown…

Jupiter is growth and expression, shining the grace of our essence in the world from a place of deep spiritual knowledge and embodied experience. Jupiter also expresses on the emotional and material plane – and so we literally wear our hearts on our sleave with Jupiter.

Jupiter entered – or was born again into Aries on the 22nd April – the beginning of its new cycle – where Rahu is currently residing. Rahu has been in Aries since April 2022, so it’s well marinated and established. Rahu energy is a force to be reckoned with. It’s the fiery, airy, influencing, creative and INTENSE Magnifier. Coupled with the similarly fiery, Masculine, initiatory power of Aries, The Ram, it’s been a STRONG pairing so far. If you have an alignment or affinity with Rahu – then you’ve probably felt to expand.

When Jupiter joined this constellation, it felt almost aggressive, forcefull and surging… Things got heated and exhausted very quickly for some. Because Aries is very fast moving – giving Soul the capacity to move like lightning on a refined level, and for our system to take clear, decisive, quick thinking, action – this is the fire element. We’ve got to work with it or it burns us out.

When Jupiter moves into Bharni Nakshatra on Summer Solstice – the energies relax, relieve and shift into feeling very sensual in nature as our inner powers of creative union, or both aspects of the Kundalini Shakti (the red and the white Serpent) like to express themselves. It’s a beautiful time to dance, play and get the creative juices flowing. Get out there and shine your essence in a pure and innocent way. We can do deep clearing of our pathways through ritual, creative expression and making offerings to nature at this time.

So what about The Solstice Portal – the Moon in Cancer into it’s home of Cancer – where Venus and her Lover Mars also reside for a time…

This PORTAL is creating a point in time of profound balance and Sacred Union – and if we are ready for this – we can burn programme it into our template for the highest of UPGRADES. This is a day for Supreme Coding, DNA Imprinting, Energetic Recalibration and Neural Rewiring.

Cancer is the watery, nurturing home of the Moon – its a place where deep, deep healing MUST occur. Because the tendency can be for us to dwell in and hold onto the deep density of the wounding and hurt, of our shadow and memory and to ruminate, allow it to destabalise us. And the bite of this can be strong, just like the sharp grip of the Crab. However the Moon is the Mother – the deeply sensitive, nourishing, unconditional love of the Mother. She invites you to feel the depths of the pain and allow it to be held by her love – not grasping to it, but learning to hold it lightly in the water. The Mother can heal the Inner Children. Let the burdens dissolve naturally as our parts learn to relax back and allow this natural healing to occur. Let ourselves access the natural energies of Devotion here – seeing this moving through this Portal as an act of Devotion to ourselves and the Collective.

Venus here is indeed backing this energy with her Divine, sensual, Feminine energy – her life force energy for regeneration and celebration – her bright Love and Devotion. On the other hand she has the capacity to enhance the grateful heart, increasing insatiable desire. On the other, she can focus on what’s wrong – constantly finding something that is missing – this behaviour is very sticky.

Mars is the power at the navel, the Solar Plexus, and without this, we will not follow through fully. And so we require the focussing of Mars in order to makethings happen through this Portal. This demands structure, organising and focus of us. The trap of Mars can be easy to fall into… Competition, violence towards one’s self, addictive processes. And Mars is debilitated in Cancer – so it’s energy is not as coherent – we definitely want to work in a focussed and concise way with our internal system – be aware of Mars lower tendencies coming up and refining them in the moment. Coming back to that structure and focus of the work in the moment.

And then the Fire of Mars – adding to the Fire of Aries – brings again a backing of the transformative, alchemical aspect of the Fire.

The structure and organising quality of the Divine Masculine Fire strongly and yet tenderly holds the surrender of the Divine Feminine into the Water.

This Portal offers the opportunity to drop into Deep Devotion to ourselves and the Collective.

What an EPIC Spring to Summer transition this is bringing – all the natural spring REBIRTH energies backed by this incredible astrology (read below). This Summer Solstice Portal is going to be PHENOMENAL. A true BAPTISM by FIRE.

This PORTAL is creating a point in time of profound balance and Sacred Union – and if we are ready for this – we can programme it into our template for the highest of UPGRADES. This is a day for Supreme Coding, DNA Imprinting, Energetic Recalibration and Neural Rewiring.

21 Day Sadhana For Nurturing & Surrender

Starts Thursday 1st June 2023 – 6pm – 8.30pm – Online

Plus Join us for 7 days of group practice

Let go into the Waters of your Divine Feminine nourishment and organise your body temple with the Fire of the Divine Masculine.

Join Here

This sadhana offers the opportunity for Supreme balancing of our Kundalini Shakti as well as a deep Nourishment of our internal system. There is a great creative, kundalini and Maternal energy coming in at this time that has the capacity to provide profound healing for our Sacral and Solar Plexus; sense of Self; Relationships and Divine Feminine – Masculine balance.

This sadhana offers the opportunity for Supreme balancing of our Kundalini Shakti as well as a deep Nourishment of our internal system. There is a great creative, kundalini and Maternal energy coming in at this time that has the capacity to provide profound healing for our Sacral and Solar Plexus; sense of Self; Relationships and Divine Feminine – Masculine balance.

PLUS Join us for 7 days of Group Practice following the Initiation to develop the discipline and cultivate your staying power!

We really hope you can join us Sangha for another powerful gathering a collective ceremony! Love you!

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