Crucial Practitioner Skills: Energy Protection

I’m going to get straight to the point… In this day and age, Energy Protection is of utmost importance for a number of reasons which we explore below. Aspiring and existing Spacer-Holders must consider how they are managing their energy systems as well as practicing excellent Energy Hygiene. As a part of the movement of paradigm-shifting holistic education, we are committed to supporting our students and clients to develop a toolkit which includes a whole variety of Energy Hygiene tools. Find out more below…

To Be Clear

This is one of the most common reasons people are interested in energy hygiene – it is well known that keeping our energy bodies clear of dense, stagnant or burdened energy we are picking up day to day helps us to feel more vital, energised and light.

To Remain Sovereign

When we are clear of our own burdened energy as well as other lingering energies, we are free to live from a love-dominated system, rather than a fear- dominated or even fear-driven system. This allows us to be in our power.

To Be Embodied

Being clear of burdened and lingering energies allows us to be more embodied in our Self energy, enabling us to be effortlessly, radically present for our self, and for others. It is from this place that we can be in service, without an agenda, being clearer vessels for our clients and those around us and to fully enjoy the rasa (juice)of life.

To Minimise Transference & Countertransference

When we clear our energies regularly, we are releasing the day-to-day stress, anxiety and worry, as well as the more deeply stored fear, karma (conditioning) and trauma that our parts hold onto. This is important for us to be constantly clearing those parts of us because it is that energy and those memories that get triggered or activated through our interactions with other people or situations that arise (transference). Also, when other people in our lives go through something, for example, they experience a challenge, or something deep for them surfaces, if we are not clearing our energy, we can get activated or triggered by that and we can allow it to affect us (countertransference).

As a Default Backup

We have developed such a normalisation, in the way that we interact with one another, that we often don’t realise when the Victim-drama triangle is playing out, or when we are unconsciously reacting to people or situations. So because of this, its so important to have a routine based around discharging and lcearing energy and recharging your systems. 

We have a range of resources to help you with energy hygiene. We hope you enjoy these – check them out and let us know what you think!

3 Minutes On Energy Protection

Protect Your Mind, Body & Energy Systems Free Training

If this is your time to develop your Practitioner & Space-Holding skills and you want to consider training with us – please see our upcoming courses at Earth School For Gifted Humans here.

All my love, Natasha Anand & Roop Singh Sagar xox


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