High protein detox soup

This week we are in Week 4 of our Holistic Liver Detox 6 Week Online Course, and things are getting intense! So many of us have got out “stuff” really coming up to the surface to be witnessed and cleared – that indeed is central to this process! We’ve been getting our lifestyle and diet just right, making tweaks, incorporating mew food preparation techniques, new products, new types of food… We’ve been making smoothies and hydrating liver tonic juices…

We’ve been doing meditation and yogic practices, doing mindful activities and more! But now with the detox really kicking in and being at its most intense – we just need delicious, comforting, nutrient rich, protein dense detoxing soupy foods to keep us going. And no-fuss – no brain needed – easy and quick, cos there’s just too much going on already! So when you’re in this spot – here’s a meal made simple and straightforward….


2 generous portions

Preparation time:

Time to soak lentils & beans overnight or until sprouted

On the day – 10 minutes

Cooking time:

45 minutes plus overnight soaking


20 minutes if using pre-booked lentils and beans


1 tbsp coconut oil

1 leek

1 veggie yeast free stock cube

4 cups filtered water

Big handful coriander including stalks – cut 1/3 or half the stalks off and finely chop those – take half of whats remaining and chop roughly

Big handful spinach

Few sprigs of thyme

10 curry leaves

1/2 cup coconut milk (optional)

2 tomatoes chopped

1 large inch ginger – mashed/pummelled

1 large garlic cloves – mashed/pummelled

Any other veg you want to chuck in – courgette, peas, carrots, sweetcorn – anything

2 cups cooked lentils – the best is soaked overnight to remove gas/over 2 days till sprouted or tinned/canned

1 cup of any type of beans – the best is soaked overnight to remove gas or tinned/canned

1tsp turmeric powder

1/4 tsp jeera (cumin)

Himalayan pink salt and ground back pepper

Cooked jackfruit to add at the end


  1. Lightly, gently fry the leeks, thyme, curry leaves, turmeric, cumin, black pepper, finely chopped coriander stalk, garlic and ginger to create your spice base. After a couple of minutes, add the chopped tomatoes and cook those down until they are becoming like a paste.
  2. Add in the cooked lentils and beans and the water boiled. Add the stock cube and mash well. Allow the whole mix to simmer gently for a few minutes to allow the flavours to infuse.
  3. Remove the spinach stalks and chop some of the larger spinach leaves. Add the spinach to the top of the coup. Add the roughly chopped coriander to the top of that. Put the lid on, turn the soup down to the lowest setting and leave. After 5 or 7 minutes, the spinach should be nicely wilted, still retaining its deep green colour. Turn off the heat.
  4. Mix the soup and serve. I like to keep some of the coriander sprigs and serve them longer with the bowls of soup. I also add cooked jackfruit and peas for extra protein.
  5. To make this more detoxing – double the amount of turmeric and add in more spinach and coriander, specially fresh coriander to garnish.


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