
Have you ever thought about how the colonist and imperialist structures and forces in the outside world have permeated and influenced the most intimate aspects of our being?

For example, how the warped-weird commoditised view of sex has created generations of young people who believe that sex is a disposable, rough, bish-bash-bosh, tick off a list experience… Not a sacred, act of unity between two powerful energy systems that connects the most creative dimensions of our beings together…?

Or how about the overwhelming impulse for everyone to tell each other all the time what to do and how to do it, when to do it and opinions about how they are doing it… Rather than seeing each person as being on their special journey of self-empowerment and enabling them as much as possible to work things out for themselves and come to you when they want support…

These are just 2 examples of coloniser patterns within us… The more we look for them, the more we find…

The process of unravelling from colonisation is not straightforward… Just when you think you’ve done a chunk… something else hits you… Like a tidal wave thats come outa no where…

What do I want to say about Colonisation – Decolonisation? I guess, just that for me, its a lifetime of shedding the imperialist structures and patternings that have colonised by being … Of freeing myself from the heavy residues left from from colonist oppression.

The colonised become the colonisers – the victims become the perpetrators – the judged become the judges… It never ends, the cycle continues.

Until awareness. That we are not it and it is not us.

The awareness that those pattern live within us to teach us how to be free and open, compassionate and caring.

Until we clear these patternings, they perpetuate within and without us…

Please watch these videos with an open heart.

I will be sharing more works on Decolonisation as time goes on, For now, enjoy.

Love, Natasha Anand xx

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