Winter warmer 15 minute bean stew

I’ve just come home after being away working and travelling in Mexico and Guatemala for 5 weeks and the first thing I wanted is flavoursome winter warming grounding food to anchor me into home…. There’s nothing like homemade stew to get you reaquainted with winter and a cosy home…

Plus having been in Central America, I’m so into beans but missing a good ‘ol stew! So here’s my 10 minute quickie for you to enjoy…


2 large portions

Preparation time:

10 minutes

Cooking time:

15 minutes


1 tsp coconut oil

1 tin of organic baked neans

1 large onion, sliced or cubed

Few sprigs of fresh thyme or 1 tsp dried

8 – 10 curry leaves

4 – 6 tbsp coconut creme (to your taste)

1/2 courgette, thinly sliced

4 – 6 tbsp sweetcorn

1 clove garlic

1/2 pint veggie stock (more of less depending the consistency you want)

1 tsp curry powder

A few sprigs of fresh corianer


Any leftovers you have in the fridge

Other veggies like spinach, chickpeas, carrots, peas, brocolli, mushrooms etc.


1. Add the coconut oil to a saucepan with the onions, courgettes, thyme, curry leaves, curry powder and any other veggies that we’d to be cooked you have except leaves like spinach which you out in at the end. Gently simmer on a low – medium heat until soft and fragrant.

2. Add in the baked beans, coconut creme, veggie stock. Be mindful of adding the veggie stock… If you want the stew more liquid-y add in more. Stir well frequently.

3. Add in the optional leftover food or cooked veggies at this point like the sweetcorn or the optional veggies like, chickpeas or peas.

4. Crush the garlic, chop and throw in, giving it a good stir.

5. Add in any leafy greens and out a lid on the pot. Switch off the heat. Leave for 5 mins while you choose up coriander or other herbs to garnish.

6. Sprinkle over garnish and serve.


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