5 things you can do right now to boost your immune health

How many of us wait till we’ve got a cold or flu to tank up on Vitamin C and other natural medicines? Trust, me, I’ve been through this. Year after year I feel like I’m getting a little more preventative… It’s a process, you see, especially when we’ve been really used to just taking medicine when we need it.

We honour you and your journey – so here are 5 thing you can do today to strengthen your immune system and stay strong and powerful this winter…


Increase intake of foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in your diet is important for fighting oxidative atress but also ensuring your immune system has the building blocks it needs like vitamins A, C, E, D, E and zinc, selenium and magnesium to name just a few. Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables such as berries, citrus, avocado, broccoli, red and green peppers as well as herbs and other herbs and spices such as garlic, ginger, coriander, echinacea (fresh or potent essential oils are good too). Prebiotic/fermented foods feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut – apple cider vinegar, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, asparagus, onions, garlic, leek, Jerusalem artichoke, sauerkraut, oats, apples, cacao, flax seeds, konjac/burdock/yakon/jicama/chicory root, seaweed, miso, tofu, tempeh, tamari (these must be organic if they are soy based). A good multi-vitamin may help too… See below for our recommended product provider. Read our article about antioxidants here.


Exercise more – this can be a long walk or a simple exercise routine… aim for at least 3 times a week and make sure to prioritise this if you tend to go from home to car to desk. Exercise can strengthen your heart which as a result can improve your blood circulation and release of toxins. Moving your muscles will improve the movement of lymph and quicker release of toxins too. Any form of physical activity can improve mental health and mood as well as help dealing with stress by releasing certain chemicals and happy hormones!


Spend more time in the sun in order to increase levels of vitamin D3 – 20 minutes a day exposing your face, arms and legs should do it… This may be challenging, especially when it’s cold outside! We’re known for having limited sunlight up North so a supplement may be necessary if you arent able to get the kind of exposure you need. Check your Vitamin D levels to find out if you have enough vitamin D stored away for the winter and then check again after the winter to see where you are.


Good sleep is so fundamental to our health! There are so many other nutrients and processes that are involved with sleep, particularly related to our hormones that help regulate mood and sleep. Research also shows that our blood sugar levels can become more elevated in the morning and throughout the day if we haven;t slept well the night before – and this causes inflammation in the body! Learn how to improve your sleep hygiene and get deeper, higher quality sleep – Read my article about this here.


Reduce your dependancies with harmful and toxic chemicals, foods and drugs like alcohol, cigarettes, sugar. These can affect our immune system significantly and increase chances of infections as well as delay our immune response to them. Alcohol has a strong, negative effect on the liver function which in turn can affect your body’s strength to release toxins from the bloodstream. Sugar related toxins also increase  At this time of year, we could focus on preventing ourselves from catching any of the viruses and bacteria bourne illnesses – so reducing our toxic load is important. Learn about our body’s innate detoxification system here to go a step further! / Or find out about how probiotics can help detox harmful toxins.

What can we do to help you improve your immune system?

Arrange a FREE 20 minute consultation to explore how we could help you through our complementary holistic therapies. Email Natasha Boojihawon on natasha@yourearthclinic.com

Come to your Evolve yoga class to boost your energy systems, reprogramme your body’s response to to toxins and pathogens, and cleanse toxic debris! Literally empower your immune system with high vibe energy!

Use essential oils you can purchase which give the body potent, high quality, therapeutic doses of many of the nutrients discussed above such as rosemary, hemp, thyme, ginger, frankincense (boswellia), chamomile, clove, oregano, grapefruit, fennel, helichrysum, juniper berry, lavender, melaleuca, rosemary, wild orange. Buy amazing potent, clean essential oils from our online shop!
biocare shop now


We love Biocare! They have the best, natural, toxin free supplements around and an amazing clinical team on hand if you want advice on products… Visit their online shop and resources at www.biocare.co.uk.

I love then so much – I’m giving away 25% discount via our special discount code – if you sign up to our mailing list. Plus other goodies you’ll get when you sign up like my free 30 minute Discovery Call Consultation and free E-Book!

Love, Natasha Anand xxx

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