Burden burning kriya set

Powerful Burden Burning Kriya Practice link here

Today – 11:11:11 is a powerful POWERFUL gateway for us to catalyse our transitions into our highest potential… It doesn’t matter what stage you are at on your journey on the course or in life in general – bathe in the energies of 11:11:11 and let this high intensity cosmic shower blast you with high vibe frequencies – recalibrating and activating your DNA and recoding your highest potential.

On so may levels today is epic – the cumulative 33 is also a master number reminding us of the Master teacher that lives within us all… Step into your true power today.

This 11:11:11 sequence code for activating and signaling… An invitation to Transcend, enlighten and manifest…

Let us cast intentions to the universe and burn through our dense and stagnant energies, residues and burdens. Utilise the powerful cosmic energies to burn through your shadow and cultivate the fierceness in you. Any remnants of false self can be transformed… Any stubborn resistances can finally shift…

I’ve created a special and powerful integrated yogic practice to do today (and any day) designed to help you burn through residues, dense and stagnant energies and traumatic burdens and regain balance… For those of you who feel wobbly or have found the shedding process very challenging, you may want to do this kriya set regularly.

Try 3 days, maybe 7 and even….21 days… 21 days is how long it takes to dissolve and create new neural Pathways… So if you want to go really deep with this – or you have the desire to release what are parts are carrying… Then 21 days is for you.

You can do all or part of this kriya to get the effects… You can also shorten or lengthen any of the kriyas or pranayamas. If you had a very limited amount of time, you could literally tailor a short set depending on what your intuitively feelt you needed that day.

If you’re doing this today… It’s going to be epic… Make sure you have time after for integration.

Originally this practice was designed for the students on my and Victoria Sinclair’s online course Lotus Upgrade however I have been guided to share this with you all as a gift from all the amazing Lotus Beings in our constellation.

See the full practice info below:

You’ll can play your own music but it’s not important .

1. OM chant x 1 or x 3
2. Tune into a part you want to work with… Maybe a part that has a co-dependancy or is stuck in a pattern or loop. Ask it to step forward and let it know that it is able to release its burdens, stagnant and dense energies as part of this process. Maybe send the part some compassion or express your curiosity towards the part. You may also ask the part to stay present with you for the duration of the practice to notice how the part feels and reacts, you’ll learn more about this part.
3. Nadi Shodhana – pranayama – alternate nose breathing – balancing left and right hemispheres, Shiva-divine masculine & Shakti-divine feminine energies – 1.5m
4. Prakasha – pranayama – activating kundalini energy & raising Prana – 1.5m
5. Blooming Lotus – Laya Movement – cultivating openness and receptivity of the heart as well as integrating energies – chanting “I am willing, I am open, I am receptive” – 1.5m
6. Shuka Shunya – breath kriya – calms the nervous system, creates focus and calmness, stillness – 2m
7. Kumbaka – breath kriya – connects the heart and 3rd eye, cultivates strength of mind, repatterns neural Pathways – 2m
8. Ego Conquerer – kriya – cultivates will power and determination, reprogrammes neural Pathways, actiates naval intelligence and gut brain connection, generates heat and intense energy to burn – 1m
9. Hat kriya – mantra kriya – chanting hat meaning ‘sun’ invoking the sun energy to burn the residues and energies, activating the solar plexus – our energy processing point and also place we store stagnant energy, strengthening gut brain connection, supporting the nervous system, developing determination and fierceness, strengthening the mind – 1.5m
10. Shiva Kriya 1 – breath kriya – highly detoxifying, releases toxic energies, cultivates fierceness, burns through residues – 3m
11. Brain Bija – Mantra kriya – calms and strengthens the mind, builds awareness, calms the nervous system, reprogrammes neural Pathways, creates focus and coherence in the mind, amazing for brain health and memory – chanting klim (frontal cortex) aim (right hemisphere) shrim (left hemisphere), dissolving dependancies – 3m
12. Sending gratitude to our parts and self.
13. Honouring & taking blessings from the cosmos and the earth.
14. Close with OM chant 1 x or 3 x

Enjoy this beautiful and powerful practice and let me know how you get on.

Love & blessings


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