Oh Baby Overnight Oats

I cannot describe just how delicious these overnight oats are! They are DIVINE! They are so delicious and naturally sweetened, with optimum nourishment and ridiculously easy to make – theres no other breakfast like it! Or you can have it as a snack or desert after lunch or dinner!

And why is this the perfect breakfast? Well if you load the oats up and then add on extras with healthy options – see our ideas – then it can be a high protein, high healthy fat, low carb breakfast that will energetically sustain you with slow release energy for a long time. And this is important for your 1st meal of the day… No matter when you have it, its got to sustain you – so that does mean lots of protein and healthy fat.

Carbs are quick to break down and fast release energy so you get an energy high and then as your blood sugar levels drop – you feel that dip… And if you eat a lot of carbs generally – the drop will be a DROP – your blood sugar levels drop lower because large amounts of insulin (that are demanded to break down large amounts of carbohydrates or sugar) create this – part of a mechanism to get your body to break down more of your body’s store of fat into sugar to sustain the need for energy.

The beauty of this meal is – you can experiment with it, very safely… without messing it up! Create different favours, combinations and consistencies, the worlds your oyster…

This is my recipe for Orange Overnight Oats… OOOOoooooooo… you’re going to love them…


2 large bowls

Preparation time:

10 minutes

Cooking time:



1 cup gluten free rolled oats

3 tsp chia seeds

Sunflower seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Desiccated coconut

Your favourite nuts and seeds

1/3 tsp ground cinnamon powder (more for medicinal purposes – this is slightly out flavoured by the wild orange essential oil) – you can also use ground cardamon or ginger powder, or add a bit of nutmeg of vanilla

A dozen or so raisins

2 dates – finely chopped

1 1/2 cups water


1 1/2 cups coconut or almond milk (optional – use instead of or in combination with water but not both together… The nut mylk option makes it much more creamier and indulgent but is pricier)

12 drops Wild orange essential oil (buy from my online shop here) – or use 2 tbsp of orange essence or another oil of your choice, for example, ginger (very strong!)

1 tsp raw cacao powder – optional (not used in this recipe but obviously this is amazing!)


1 cup of fresh berries

1 banana – sliced

1 tbsp almond butter or other nut butter

1 tsp of coconut butter shavings

Raw cacao to grate

Or make my homemade granola here

Or anything else you love!


  1. Add at the ingredients into a big bowl.
  2. Leave overnight, out of the fridge (or in the fridge if you live in a hot country)
  3. Serve with your favourite toppings and garnishes.


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