Beautiful cinnamon buckwheat (gluten, lactose & sugar free) pancakes

Ok, so yes its not pancake day anymore and this is a little late – but better late than never!

I hope you enjoy making and eating these as much as I did! They’re really quite easy to make and remember to make sure you have plenty of the toppings you like to make this super nutritious and luxurious at the same time… I like to cover the pancakes in nut butters, nuts and seeds, fresh fruit, coconut oil, desiccated coconut and homemade cacao sauce to get in that extra protein, fat and energy boost for the day.

If your on a low carb/fat adapt diet (around 60%fat, 20% protein and 20% carbohydrates) like me then a serving of these pancakes (as suggested below) is:

Around 30% of your daily protein intake

Just under half of your carb intake…

Around 35% of your fat intake…

Around 37% of your energy requirements for the day, or around 750 calories…

All of your vitamin B3 and E, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous and sodium intake.

Thank you to my sister Monica for passing on this recipe!

Servings: 6 medium sized pancakes

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes



1 cup buckwheat flour

1 cup almond or non-dairy milk

1 egg

1 mashed banana (or not)

1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda/xantham gum

pinch himalayan pink salt

Cacao sauce:

1/8 cup filtered water

3 heaped tablespoons cacao powder

1 heaped tablespoon coconut oil

1 tablespoon honey/1teaspoon stevia

  1. Prepare the mixture and hand blend it all.
  2.  Heat a pan to a medium heat with a dollop of coconut oil in it.
  3. Spoon in some batter and smooth them out on the pan with the back of the spoon in a circular motion making sure the pancakes are about 1/2 cm thick or a bit more.
  4. Watch the pancakes cook as they don’t take long on each side – maybe a couple of minutes on each side depending on your heat/temperature.
  5. Flip the pancakes and give them a good coating in the coconut oil.
  6. Place them on your plate and add on your toppings!

For the cacao sauce:

1. Heat about 1/8 cup of water to about 50 degrees Celsius.

2. Add in about 3 heaped tablespoons cacao powder to the water and stir until it’s all dissolved.

3. Add in a heaped tablespoon of coconut oil and a tablespoon of honey or stevia (to your taste).

4. Keep it at about 50 degrees Elvis so all the medicinal and tjereapjtic properties of the cacao are kept intact. Make sure you give the mixture all your love and positive intentions to activate!

5. Pour over your pancakes.

Serve them as I’ve done here with 2 tablespoons of pure pea tie butter, a tablespoon of jam and half a dozen peacans.


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