Squeaky clean (literally)

I’ve just learned a whole new level of cleaning fruits and vegetables before consuming them – it’s simple and so effective. I’m not really sure why this not more widely known!

I originally saw this idea on the Facebook page of ‘I Fu**ing Love Science’ www.IFLScience.com and thought I’d give it a go and share it with you lot!

It’s very simple… Fill the sink with enough water to put in all your fruits and veg… Add a 1/4 to a full cup of vinegar to the water… Stir it up… Then add fruits and veg… Leave for about 15 minutes to do it’s magic… Rinse and enjoy!

You’ll see how the fruits gleam and feel so clean. The best thing is, the vinegar smell or taste doesn’t stay like you think it would.

Want to know more about vinegar, it’s history and why it’s good for cleaning? Go to www.vinegarworkswonders.com for an amazing insight!

And here’s a great, website I found about sustainable living, Home Cleaning ideas and home made products www.eartheasy.com/live_nontoxic_solutions.htm

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