Letting go attunes us to infinite possibility

Let’s shine a spotlight on what’s important… Radical Forgiveness… We can spend out entire lives “trying” to forgive others and thats the thing… When we’re “trying”, we’re not really doing it, we’re just dragging things out. When we do forgive we must start with ourselves first because really, our problem isn’t with them… What we thought was the problem, was just a projection of our own unresolved stuff.

But what if they caused me serious harm I hear you asking, how is that something I have to resolve? Ultimately our judgement of them and victimisation of ourself is holding us back from being free, from truly healing, so all we can do is go within and forgive ourself for having held on for so long, for having judged or shamed ourself for what happened and so on. All we can do is forgive them for what they did, or at least come to an indifference to it. Otherwise we are suffering. And it will not heal.

unhappy man

Things happen to us and we create karma, reactions from our conditioned behaviours and thought patters thats essentially based on past karma. We base our whole identify around this. And we perpetuate it with each new event that “happens to us”. And that embed the identity further. And then we project it out.

When we truly forgive others and let go of the baggage that came with what “happened”, we’re breaking that cycle of karma, we’re correcting our mind and giving ourselves a chance to rectify our trajectory. We are changing how the future (and the past) plays out, because we no longer carry some of those burdens and so things are different.

We’ve de-energised old patterns and behaviours, those neural pathways are starting to dissolve. We released toxic waste that’s been clinging on for dear life. That toxic waste is so violent. It’s unnecessary and vile. It’s clogging us up and dragging us down.  Eliminate it and allow new energy in.

A part of us doesn’t want to hold these patterns, this toxic feeling towards others. Because a part of us knows its not helping. But that part of us isn;t a dominant energy of the mind… Yet. But it can become so.

eye anger

When we raise our consciousness and vibration, the whole benefits – because we affect the quantum field. We create new structures, new blueprints, new pathways. The quieter aspects or parts of our mind that were previously unable to influence the toxic system can now have effect because we empower it with every bit of dense energy we release.

Those parts of our mind can then go on to have a central role in our system for pragmatism and kindness, gatekeeping the closet of unnecessary suppressed emotion.

We take a bigger steps towards our true nature, remember a little more that we are leaders. Leaders of our families and communities. Leaders that speak the truth, be in authenticity and activate our natural healing abilities for our Self and those around us.

We are spiritual warriors, with a refined assertiveness and boldness that’s pure and light. We no longer need to hold onto what no longer serves us, we can forgive, we can let go. We can learn to be free.


Our true nature is already free. We already are powerful and free, we just haven’t realised it yet. We’ve allowed the gunk to build up and obscure our view. To affect our memory. When will we see that the universe out there is the same as the universe in here… Infinite and powerful… Free and vast. Unbounded and bright. That is only us.

Let us take to the shed this summer, examine our tools and put together our new toolkit for our Rise. Lets use our toolkit to shed layers and layers until we can see clearly.

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