Why Self-Leadership Is Important In Challenging Times

Self-leadership is what this time is demanding of us.

Do you want to know how to step into your highest potential as a Leader?

This video will take you through a step-by-step approach for you to differentiate Self from parts. This is the fundamental, foundational way to not just become self-led, but to be able to respond to the increasing challenges that we face on this planet.

We do not need more unregulated and incapacitated practitioners trying to heal others. We desire purified and powerful, self-led practitioners who can work with the source of energy in a healthy way.

It’s time to get real with the deeper meaning and opportunities that the challenges we face bring to light. Why there is violence all over the world that is dark and grim – is central to answering the questions about – why and where humanity has come to.

We play a collective role in creating this universe together through our consciousness – and so what we see “out there” is simply a reflection of what is inside us.

I really feel this video will help you stoke this fire within you to step up and into the Conscious Self-Led Leader you are at this time.

PS – I also made this video about our role in transforming collective karma which is so key to this entire subject. Plus I made this video about how leading from Self is CRUCIAL for these times, which I think you’ll enjoy but is also a great one to share. AND I’ve made a few videos on Speaking Authentically – like this one you’ll find useful. Enjoy!

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