Leading From Self Is Crucial For These Times

Why may so many spiritual teachers broadcasting angrily on social media missing the point?

Because of a combination of two things…


Without a practise of SELF-LEADERSHIP, it’s difficult to SPEAK FOR PARTS – and so we speak FROM a part and really it takes us over and we forget we are not that part and that is not the only “TRUTH” we hold. This is true, as well as that. There are many truths.


Without an overlapping practice of CORRECTING INTELLECT we stay blended with our dominant parts and their belief systems, and stay there with them – as them. If the openness and safety of reflecting and refining one’s intellect is not there – as an embedded as a way of being, then our parts pick and choose the knowledge which suits their agenda, and we are blindsighted by it because we have allowed ourselves to become that part.

Both go hand in hand. If we are not aware of our blind spots and the agendas of our parts, because we are not leading from self, then we don’t have an opportunity to correct our intellect – and we stay stuck in old beliefs and knowledge and with those parts that refuse to see outside their own paradigm.

Here is a video I made in response to seeing Spiritual Teachers projecting and broadcasting their anger out in response to violence.

This time calls for a stepping up of personal and professional INTEGRITY, as we navigate these challenging waters, and you are a part of modelling, mirroring and embodying this new frequency.

The Temples Of Light We Architect and Engineer in the unseen realms are built upon these energies and consciousness we hold. Radical Trust is needed here in order to maintain this growth, expansion and net of safety and steadfastness.

Blessings & love Dear Ones

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