Working Closely With Your Guides

Thank you for this connection – to have you in our tribe is just what we want – like-minded-and-hearted-Souls who desire to learn and grow together! I’ve been sharing a little on the six guiding forces in our lives for the last few weeks, perhaps you’ve been  connecting into these transmissions. If you haven’t, feel free to check the other blog content on my website. The six guiding forces I’ve been sharing are:

  1. Celestial bodies including planets, Earth, zodiac and Nakshatra constellations. 
  2. DNA coding including our ancestral line. 
  3. Past life karma (conditioning) and punya (merit). 
  4. The stories of what happened to us in this life. 
  5. Guides. 
  6. The Higher Self

Now, you may already be aware of your Guides, they may have already made themselves known to you… This may be completely new to you, or something you’re curious about. What I want to share with you, is that, our Guides are always with us, the question is, can we see, hear or feel them?

I wanted to share something I remember that a therapist once told me way back when I went  for an Energy Medicine session about 6 years ago with a brilliant therapist. She told me that I needed to work with my Guides more closely… That they were always there, waiting and willing to help me with my client work.

It took me a little while to really allow this piece of advice to fully percolate through my system, be heard and integrated. But when it finally did, it engulfed my entire system and wow, brought me so much gratitude, relief and insight into the nature of reality. Here’s my take…

Those of us that have taken a vow, to be here, or keep coming back, to serve humanity and create heaven on Earth – we are not alone – and we do not work alone – we are part of an incredible multi-dimensional team of other like-minded-and-hearted super-galactic Souls. The Golden chain is supported and continued through a line of spiritual mentors – our Guides support us so we can support those on Earth. And perhaps we get to spend some time as a Guide to another Soul spending time on planet Earth at some “time”.

I wrote this blog and made this video a little while back about how clearing our karma and unburdening our stuck energy can help us connect more clearly to our Guides. Because when we are clearer vessels, more grounded and with less mind chatter, we can focus in, feel, see and/or hear our guides.

Perhaps you have the natural ability to connect to your Guides, regardless of your emotional or mental state, and this is wonderful – clearing your energy is certainly not a prerequisite – it just helps.

This week, I will not be sharing an Evolve Yoga Journey – however I want to share with you a powerful, 40 minute, “Burden-Busting”  Integrated Yoga Journey a while back for those of you that want to release some of that  energy.

If you desire to take a journey into becoming an Energy Medicine practitioner with us this September – you will get to experience connecting to and working with your Guides – so you can get better outcomes for your clients and feel more supported in your role. IF you’re interested, please take a look at our website below. 

 ∞   E N E R G Y   M E D I C I N E    P R A C T I T I O N E R   T R A I N I N G  ∞

October 2022 – March 2023

Info & Registration

∞ Learn to be  a trauma and IFS-informed energy healing facilitator with robust therapeutic skills ∞

Key Benefits:

▵ Be safely held and guided through your inner healing journey, processes and challenges and feel confident to do the same for your clients

▵ Learn how to work with your parts, emotions and heal trauma through the basic Internal Family Systems model as well as apply that to your work

▵ Clear karma, stagnant energy and burdens that will take you to the next phase of your healing and understand how to support your clients

▵ Feel confident and empowered to navigate your self-healing journey and those of your clients

▵ Start to become more embodied and feel your mind and body connection come more under your command

▵ Be initiated into working with foundational level trauma-informed wisdom and practice that will set you apart in your field and boost your professional practice and credibility

▵ Understand the basics of detoxification of metabolites, toxins and old, burdened energy

▵ Feel part of a thriving, beautiful community

If you’d like to join this programme and have not completed Reiki Level 1, that’s fine, we are offering this as part of the training. Feel free to visit our website and book a Discovery Call to see if this is the right fit for you. We would be honoured to hold this space for you.

Perhaps you have not completed Reiki Level 1 and would like to take this up? Get in touch and let us know, we are always on the lookout for new students to teach.

Love you Dear Ones


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