A Very Powerful Solstice Portal

Solstice Blessings Divine One

Everytime I look at the astrological charts, I can see a little bit more than before, because I am constantly purifying how I perceive the world around me. I am seeing, feeling and knowing a new dimension of our reality – perfectly held in holographic geometry and coded by the Celestial bodies. The energies that these beings beam on us are literally the most influential for those of us who are choosing to draw them in. 

When we make an intention to align to our purpose, power and journey through our challenges, we inadvertently also say “bring it on” to learning from them. And if we choose not to see what is there to be learned often it keeps coming back until we see the signs. Along with the nature beings on Earth, our own accumulated energy from past lives (karma) and the energy that we work with – the Celestial bodies are one of the most influential energies on us humans.

Some of the planets, particularly the big ones for us like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter, Moon and Sun, play an important role in helping us see and navigate our karma, transmute and transcend it and take the lessons to be woven into the fabric of the universe. And right now, they are holding us in these vortexes in a phenomenal way. The time is now for catalyzing the shift happening on this planet. And if you’ve made an intention to be part of this movement – the big planets are coming for you – to wrap you in their love and help you see the path.

I am astounded by the number of beings right now, around me that seem to be going through some sort of big clearing, releasing or transcending of the old – or major recalibration of perspective. For some of us, it’s been a tough ride, for others it’s been effortless. These old energies simply cannot exist within the frequencies we are upgrading to. 

The Solstice Portal is simply another opportunity to step into the reality of what we are creating together here. To be more authentically ourselves and on our own path. It’s a gateway to Initiate yourself into a further conscious alignment of purpose and power where you see a little more clearly that all of this is happening for you – to experience it – rather than to you – to become  victim of it.

We are stepping through the 5th Dimensional gateways as we set the intentions and prayers for peace, joy, happiness, healing… Take responsibility for these words… They are powerful.

If we work on our energy, refine our consciousness and then create powerful prayers – and then choose not to do the work in the moment to stay in our presence – to step out of the story and therefore bondage to the stagnant energies holding us back – then the universe course corrects us and it doesn’t always feel great. The recalibration has been intense for some of us, but its all part of the journey. Continue to trust in yourself and the path set out before you.

The only way we can contextualise what is happening is by remembering that created the intention to step into our path and the energies upgrading us mean that the burdened energy can no longer exist within those frequencies.

The purge is real. Be careful of the trap of the purge story itself, the allure of it. Stay focussed on your self-care and doing what you need to journey through the release.

Initiate yourself and be reminded of why you are on this path. Stay blessed and in awe of miracle dear one.

All my love and blessings xoxox

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