Sacred Rituals & Ceremonies

Sacred rituals are conscious technologies, or acts of ceremony or devotional practices that can mindfully be incorporated into daily routines. An example of this is Puja, a ritual form the Vedic tradition, which is a foundational sacred practice. When incorporated in the morning, first thing, it assists in refining one’s consciousness . It places one in a state of receptivity, to the presence of grace. Puja allows one to be aligned to the flow of love, recognising the sacredness that is everywhere . There is incredible power in the practice of such rituals.

Puja and other rituals that honour, work with or offer the elements, attune us to nature and our place into it, establishing us as the creator of our world. Through the recognition of the role that the 5 elements play in the fundamental creation of this matrix, and the continual practice of this connection – energy and merit is generated within our own fields that we can use toward many aspects of life and living, such as healing, distant healing, consciousness evolution and more magic. Essentially – we affirm our ability to create our reality, alchemising with the elements and place ourselves at the centre of this reality. This is pure “flow”, “manifestation” or “creativity”.

Puja is normally a practice for or around sunrise. When practised first thing, before anything else, it sets up one’s energy for the day.  A similar sacred ritual can be done at sunrise – this is called Aarti. 

At my teacher trainings and space-holder courses, I teach my students how these rituals influence the flow state, manifest abundance, and establish us in the seat of the creator. I teach about the importance of aligning to nature including the Celestial bodies, our ultimate space holder, in order for us to come into Natural Law, Natural Time and reprogram the mechanism by which we flow effortlessley and manifest our reality.

I also teach my students how to conduct ceremonies of self-initiation, working with the elements such as fire ceremonies, working with plant spirits, rites of passage, moon bleed rituals and more.

For me, ceremony is a psycho-spiritual experience which facilitates emotional and trauma healing as we reintegrate the fragmented, exiled or lost parts of our mind or inner world. As we journey through inner reflection, parts work or coaching, and at the same time, integrate sacred rituals into our lives regularly – we amplify the outcomes for our wellbeing. What we are doing is getting deeply in touch inside and then bringing those new connections with our inner parts into the outside world to align with nature and heal our separation with nature (one of the ultimate core wounds) once and for all.

For me, there is nothing more powerful that recognising our place in nature and healing the separation wound with nature, through the integration of our being and our parts, with nature. This is a process that heals all parts of us, mind, body and spirit. 

A common aspect of the human condition is that we have tricked ourself into the illusion of “modernism” when actually, the ancients were playing with more advanced technologies than we are now. In this new Epoch – Dwarpara Yuga – characterised by the growth of technology in all it’s forms… We have the opportunity to refine our perception of technology, and learn to use it for the highest and greatest good, as well as to further human consciousness.

I am so excited to welcome a new season of ritual, ceremony and celebration with my community, offline and online. Watch out for more upcoming gatherings and opportunities.

I made this video a little while back about why we teach our students how to work with and align to nature, you may find it interesting.

Love you Dear Divine One



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