Sweet Coco Red Curry

Those of you that know my recipes know that I absolutely LOVE coconut. Being an island girl (from Mauritius Island) I cannot resist a good coconut and rely on the healthy fats for balanced nutrition.

I’ve recently received many requests for recipes of easy, one-pot meals so here’s another beautiful, balanced meal that is literally easy-peasy and super high vibe nutritious with ample protein and healthy fats. And all in one pot.


6 medium/4 large portions

Preparation time:

20 minutes

Cooking time:

20 minutes


1 medium/large sweet potato cut into medium cubes

1 large onion

1 leek optional

2 inches ginger pummeled

2 cloves garlic mashed

2 tsp curry powder (coriander, turmeric, fenugreek, chilli, ginger, mustard, fennel, dill, garlic, cumin, salt – all powder/ground)

1 tsp Ras-El-Hanout powder (cardamon, ginger, mace, black pepper, turmeric, chilli, fennel, nutmeg, all slice, cumin, paprika, clove, lavender, rose petals)

1/2 – 1 courgette cubed

1 1/2 cups cooked kidney beans

1/2 medium cauliflower chopped

1 stock cube

1/2 block of coconut creme

2 tbsp unflavoured coconut oil

3/4 litre of filtered water – use only as much as you need

1 can chopped tomatoes

Big handful of chopped greens

Fresh herbs chopped to garnish


1. Steam the sweet potatoes until tender yet still fairly firm. Unless you want them to mash up a little in the curry which makes the sauce nice, thick and creamy.

2. Fry the leeks, onion and ginger in the oil on a medium heat. When you can smell the flavours lift, add one or both spice mixes.

3. Fry for a couple of minutes tops to toast the spices and stir to coat the mix.

4. Add the chopped tomatoes and coconut creme and simmer gently until the coconut has melted.

5. Add in around 1/2 litre of water and give a good mix.

6. Add the courgette, cauliflower and any other vegetable. Allow this to simmer and cook through, perhaps another 6 minutes or so.

7. Add the stock cube to a little booking water and mash/dissolve well. Pour into the curry and mix well.

8. Add in the cooked kidney beans, chopped greens and sweet potatoes. Mix well with a metal spoon which minimises mashing. Taste and season well with salt and pepper.

9. Add in any more boiled water to create the sauce consistency you want.

10. Put the lid on and leave for 5 minutes to allow the last few ingredients to hear through.

11. Sprinkle over the chopped herbs to garnish then serve!


Serving suggestion: add cooked aubergine, sprinkle over vegan cheese and serve with a green salad (fennel, lettuce, dried cranberries and blueberries, walnuts, cashew nuts, kale)

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