Creamy cauliflower & rosemary soup

I am OBSESSED with creamy coconut EVERYTHING and I’ve created a new range of tasty soups that are nourishing, warming and hearty! These are my go-to, quick and easy soups which all use the same base recipe and are easy to adapt too. Whip them up in no-time and use up what veg you have in the fridge… On this blog you’ll find 2 versions, cauliflower and celeriac, but I’ve also done this with sweet potato and jerusalem artichoke before and they’ve been just as delicious in their own way.

Servings: 4 medium – large bowls of soup

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes


1 full cauliflower head/celeriac root/3 medium sweet potatoes, 600g jerusalem artichokes

1 1/2 organic veggie stock cube

1 litre filtered water

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 onion

1 leek (optional)

1 large clove of garlic

2 tbsp chopped fresh or dried rosemary

1 tsp fried or fresh thyme leaves

2 bay leaves, dried or fresh

1/2 box coconut creme or the creme from 1 can of light/medium coconut milk or can substitute this for almond creme

salt and pepper

  1. Steam the veggies until tender and sift but not overcooked. Once steamed, add the veggies to the pan you’ve used to steam.
  2. Fry the onion, leeks, rosemary, thyme and bay leaves in some coconut oil for around 5 minutes on a medium heat until you smell the aromas and the onions are going translucent.
  3. Make the veggie stock with the water.
  4. Add the stock and fried onion/leek mix to the steamed veggies.
  5. Add the coconut creme.
  6.  Use a hand blender to thoroughly blend the mix into a smooth soup. Add more water if required.
  7. Season to your taste.
  8. Drizzle with olive oil, add cooked lentils or sprouted mung beans, herbs, toasted nuts and seeds to garnish and enjoy.

As I mentioned, enjoy different versions of this soup depending on what you like or have in the fridge… A while back I created the jerusalem artichoke version for a retreat I was doing the cooking at and its been a staple since. I made it a bit thicker to experiment with the consistency and love it (above)!… Today I had the big celeriac to use up so I created the soup below, and didn’t have leek or onion so just added garlic and almond creme and it tasted so fresh. Celeriac has a distinct aroma anyway so it was great to enjoy that and not tamper with it, rather enhance it with the garlic. The four people I cooked lunch for today loved it – hope you enjoy this as much as they did!

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