What Is Your Dharma?

The word dharma gets thrown around a lot, and I often have people tell me they don’t know exactly what it means, or misunderstand its meaning. Dharma is the Sanskrit word for the purposeful, meaningful action that you take. This inspired action is not just about achieving or straining something, it is more related to fulfilling the natural evolution of totality – and fulfilling the need elegantly. Dharma is in itself a process of self-realisation, and through the process of dharmic living, we naturally creates a state of bliss.

When we become more dharmic, we become more enlivened, live a purposeful life fulfilling the vision of soul. Our dharma moves through us. When the creative spark or information comes through, it is not “us”. We are receiving the higher intelligence and tuning into that non-local knowledge that guides us and shows us where to go next. It is not our idea, it is the expression that the Divine is enacting through us.

The road to realising our dharma is through using evolutionary energy and parts work to quieten the mind so that we may be relaxed into Self or Soul energy. That way we can hear the inner guidance in the stillness of Self. Sometimes we have that deep inner knowing of what we are here to do. Sometimes, our mind gets in the way and thinks too much about what it could be, distracting us from feeling it innately.

Perhaps this touches you and you are asking yourself…

What is my core purpose?

Where am I best placed?

How can I best support people?

How can I improve my confidence to hold space?

How can I cultivate the necessary cutting-edge tools and knowledge to be of service?

If you are – I want you to know, that these are excellent questions to be asking. And rightly so. In this new epoch – humanity is awakening on mass, recognising their deeply burdened state. There are just not enough wayshowers and facilitators of healing around to support this mass awakening. 

One way to tune into an aspect of our dharma is to meditate on our Soul Vision, which is the vision our heart holds. The bigger picture we are here in serve to. The big vision we have for humanity and for this planet. A Soul Vision is often expressed as already achieved… “My vision is that all beings are happy and free.”

Watch this Video with a short explanation of Soul Vision and then a practice to drop you into the awareness of your Soul Vision.

Major clues as to our dharma can be found in our Hero Story or Healing Journey. The challenges we have faced, the situations we have magnetised and what we have overcome shows us exactly what we have come here to learn, what is left to learn and has given us that embodied experience and expertise that we can pass on.

This process that I designed is a pretty chunky one – and it will help you drop deeply into this whole area. I highly recommend it. Get the Challenges Are Opportunities To Grow pdf here.

For those of you especially who want to be in meaningful service to humanity and the planet, and want to explore what you gifts are and where your power lies – this process is for you. It’s a process that is very much aligned to Saturn – the teacher planet that wants you to go inside and learn all the lessons from your challenges and become the greatest teacher you will ever need.

It’s something we guide our students and clients through and we are making public for the first time, and we are so curious to know how you get on with it. Please do drop into our Telegram group – Earth Family, or our Holistic Wellness Warriors Facebook Group and let us know how you found it.

If part of your Vision or Mission is to respond to this need of the hour of this planet – without getting burnt out, then you’ll need the cutting-edge tools, vision and the strategy to do things radically differently. We can no longer afford to do things the same way as before. That is why we have created this paradigm-shifting, new approach to supporting space-holders, facilitators and practitioners of the future. This is a way to plug you into the limitless source of energy that will see you through.

Rooting Into The Earth : Online Mentorship

With extra-curricular international in-person elements in

Mexico – Caribbean – Egypt – Mauritius – India – USA

Initiates September 2023 – Ongoing

An online Mentorship for Space-Holders & Practitioners holding Deep Dive Therapeutic Spaces – Become A Paradigm-Shifting Practitioner

In order to rest in your vision of peace and freedom for all living beings – it’s pertinent that you cultivate your power and skills in the growing face of the struggle and suffering your clients and families may experience. 

This is what we are offering you, the opportunity to be guided and safely held s you grow your ability and confidence to show up to the need of the hour. Earth School For Gifted Humans has opened enrollment for our brand new, evergreen Mentorship, Rooting Into The Earth, ad we’d love you to join us. Take a look at the full information here.

This Mentorship is going to be such a wonderful, juicy and fun container – the constellation is already forming and beautiful magic already weaving. We really hope you get in touch and let us know if you’re interested or would like to have a call with one of us which you can book here.

We love you Sangha!

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