Is Astrology Influencing Our Free Will Or Is It All Pre-Determined?

How much of our journeys are unfolding by the grace of our own choices, our own will, and how much is influenced by the forces of nature? How much is unfolding due to the creative intelligence, or God? This is an age-old question. It’s kind of like “what came first – the chicken or the egg?”. Only the question is, is my life influenced by my own will or already predetermined in nature?

Now I am not even going to attempt to go deeply into this – not because it’s controversial or difficult (I’m not going to lie – it can be a pretty challenging topic) – but because this is not the time, nor the place for this set of teachings. This is something we would typically go into in greater detail on one of our courses, but for now, your time and energy is safe with us! 

However – please keep reading for our short and sweet little teaser into these mystical teachings… Because we want to lead into an amazing gathering we are hosting next Tuesday…

As this universe is characterised by Duality – the positive and negative charge of the atom is what creates bondage so molecules can build up and create more substantial and complex matter. So this polarisation or duality creates our physical world. Everything that exists within this universe mirrors this natural law – and so the polarisation of free will and pre-determinism is simply another example of this. We have BOTH the free will to make choices that affect our bodies and our lives AS WELL AS are experiencing a certain dimension of apre-determined reality. Both of these are working to varying degrees for each of us depending on a number of factors we will not explore now.

So  the conundrum of which came first extends to astrology too… Do the stars help pull a future predetermined reality into our existence – or do their energies interact with ours and inform our sense of free will?

Our sense is that there is a bit of both going on. The energy of the planets and star constellations are interacting also in interstellar and more widely, a universal space or logos that we just do not understand fully – and so the potential that they are part of a system that’s simply pulling us into a pre-determined reality is plausible.

And also, their energies, when received by us, are integrated into our systems and influence our emotions, physiology and so on and we do experience this.

This is why we honor the important astrological transits and alignments, especially when the planets that are working really hard for the Earth, are in transit. And so we come to Saturn’s transit into Aquarius next Tuesday. A monumental astrological event that I feel deeply in my being, is an incredible opportunity to take another step into ourSelves and into our place in the universe. 

We shall be opening and sharing a space next Tuesday with our sangha, and we’d love you to join us. 

🪐 Inner Guru 🪐 Saturn Aquarius Activation 🪐 is taking place on 17th January 2023 at 19.00 GMT – 21.15pm GMT.

Please find more info and registration here.

Hope to see you there Dear Ones!

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