So Much Wisdom Is Held In Our DNA & Ancestral Line


I’m continuing to explore the extraordinary support we have available to us, helping us in navigating our Soul Journey on Earth at this time. This week I want to focus on DNA coding and  our ancestral line. 

Our DNA literally holds light. Yes, light. Those of you that are new to this information may want to look into Dr. Peter Gariev, a pioneer from a while back in genetic research, who considers and has research to back up the theory that DNA are holograms with their own electromagnetic fields, which are able to influence physical matter through energy. Look him up.

The light of the DNA directly impacts our health and incorporating this into the conscious intention of our practice helps us activate the incredible tech of the human body.

Of course, the most recent DNA we hold is from our ancestral line, and within that there is much coding… Some being wise and helpful, some carrying the burdened energy of the challenges and “traumas” they endured. It’s arguable that it’s all helpful, even the latter when manifesting in us through the ‘passing down’ of symptoms, emotional patterns, belief systems or health conditions, shows us what is there to be cleared and through doing this, we learn a great deal that we can pass onto others.

We also hold the DNA of all living matter on this Earth and that gives us access to a lot of information which we can choose to access if we turn on this technology and learn to use it. That has been a side hustle of mine… I am learning to access my DNA and WOW am I experiencing some amazing things.

At the same time, we can access the wisdom of the Ancestors through our direct connection with them and this comes from an ability to listen deeply. When our mind parts are busy and overwhelmed, it can be hard to hear the wisdom coming through and actually, parts can question it too, so we may miss the wisdom itself.

Here are some of the foundational practices and tools for accessing the codes of our DNA and getting into deeper state of presence to hear the wisdom of the Ancestors:

Nature immersion – nature nathing, grounding, communion, making offerings, working with dragons 

Energy practices – pranayama, kriyas, meditation, movement, Reiki, Sekhem, frequency devices, acupuncture, working with the elements

Sound practices – vocal toning, sound healing instruments, mantra

Emotional practices – pranayamas, parts/IFS work, Reiki, tapping

Bodywork practices, tapping, cranial sacral massage, alignment techniques, reflexology

Consciousness expansion – kriyas, expanding intuition, working with guides and Celestial bodies

Ceremonial practices – making offerings, Fire & Water Ceremonies, Psychedelics

Essentially – these are all energy techniques!

We have a whole multitude of practices on our Youtube channel to help you access the tech of your DNA, please have a browse here.

We also have Day/Evening Integrated Yogic practices here

Previous Evolve Yoga Journeys here.

Energy/Reiki Meditations here.

Plus lots, lots more teachings on Consciousness, ceremonies and Rituals, Space-Holding and the list goes on! Please find your way to my Youtube channel and I hope you find something useful for you. If you’re curious about learning to work with energy, we have an incredible programme starting this September…

∞   E N E R G Y   M E D I C I N E    P R A C T I T I O N E R   T R A I N I N G  ∞

Tuesday 20th September 2022 – Tuesday 10th January 2023

∞ Learn to be  a trauma and IFS-informed energy healing facilitator with robust therapeutic skills ∞

Information & Registration

Key Benefits:

▵ Be safely held and guided through your inner healing journey, processes and challenges and feel confident to do the same for your clients

▵ Learn how to work with your parts, emotions and heal trauma through the basic Internal Family Systems model as well as apply that to your work

▵ Clear karma, stagnant energy and burdens that will take you to the next phase of your healing and understand how to support your clients

▵ Feel confident and empowered to navigate your self-healing journey and those of your clients

▵ Start to become more embodied and feel your mind and body connection come more under your command

▵ Be initiated into working with foundational level trauma-informed wisdom and practice that will set you apart in your field and boost your professional practice and credibility

▵ Understand the basics of detoxification of metabolites, toxins and old, burdened energy

▵ Feel part of a thriving, beautiful community

As part of the course, we are offering optional integration Ceremonies throughout the 5 months to take the teachings deeper and gain profound insight into your Self, skills and the nature of reality.

Feel free to visit our course website and book a Discovery Call to see if this is the right fit for you. We would be honoured to hold this space for you and welcome you into this powerful constellation which is already forming. This is an Energy Medicine course like no other.

Blessings Divine One


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