Upgrade Your Professional Practice NOW

I wanted to let you know about the launch of our new Supervision Service. If you are a Practitioner, Space-Holder, Therapist or someone who works with people therapeutically… You may benefit from what we are offering.

You can find full details about the new Supervision service below. 

We specialise in Supervision, Coaching & Mentoring for Coaches, Yoga Teachers, Energy Practitioners & Space-Holders.

Our vision is firmly on practitioners – those of you who work with people, often on the frontline. And we care about the work you do, not just because we do it too and have worked with people, in communities for the last 15 years – but because we know how deep, far and wide the impact that you have is. You don’t just impact the people you directly work with, like your students, clients and associates, but the people they work with and support.

Like you, we have been really inspired by the people around us, and our desire to support humanity and our planet has turned us to being in service. Over the years, we’ve gone through it all – from the start-up woes and imposter syndrome that winging it naturally breeds – to burning out, breaking down and building back up – right round to revamping, upgrading and streamlining. 

It has been a wild, wonderful journey with so much learning coming from our challenges. It’s what has made us not just grow, but be able to support our clients from an embodied place. 

And our challenges have been many! Everything from business strategy, cashflow, practice setup, client organisation, structuring courses, online school setup and more… We learned the hard way – by trailing and testing everything. Without our supervisors, mentors, therapists, coaches and each other – we would not have survived and grown. And not just survived – but we would not have been able to grow our PARADIGM SHIFTING SCHOOL FOR HOLISTIC EDUCATION – Earth School.

We recognise that we are uniquely positioned to support practitioners like you to grow your professional practice and do the deep work through Supervision that…

… enables you to do your work effortlessly

… completely avoid burnout, way before it approaches…

… enables you to be clear vessels with a karma-free approach…

stops you from taking on other people’s energies or burdens…

… switches your energy input to a limitless source

… allows you to show up to the need of the hour with grace and ease…

We are cultivating a community of practitioners that are not just thriving in these challenging times, but learning how to dramatically transform their practice to move with the times.

Because we can no longer afford to keep working in the same way as before.

The only way we can respond to the increasing challenges that people face, support deep healing and consciousness expansion – is by being the clearest vessels and developing a karma-free practice.

If you’d like to discuss this opportunity or know more about our service, please book a Discovery Call here. 

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