We Are Galactic Warriors

In deep reverence to these GALACTIC WARRIORS who are consciously leading our beautiful planet into the new epoch. We are part of a Galactic Family that is calling us forward to STEWARD HUMANITY into the new age.

Do you feel this?

These are just some of the lines of work/play that some of the wider community we’ve been actively engaging with recently are involved in. How inspiring! 


Technical Divers

Marine Biologists


Arts Therapists

Trauma Therapists


Lead Trainers

Film Producers

Ethical Business & Marketing Execs


Special Education Needs Teachers


Each one of us is a jigsaw piece, and when we come together, we can see the fuller picture of this Matrix we are weaving in real time. So many of us hold a pure conscious intention for humanity, nature or the planet as a whole, and also often we meet people who are not consciously making these steps. They are just doing what they love, or want to and there’s no big deal about it. It’s natural. Either way – we are creating Heaven on Earth, together. Our consciousness is the driving and creative force of the Martix and together, we create this reality.

Roop and I feel so blessed to be part of an epic community and to support our students and clients to realise their Cosmic nature as well as move into their potential as paradigm-shifting practitioners. This is essential for us as our contribution to the evolution of the planet. We feel we are best placed to support practitioners because of our 15 years experience working on the ground as Specialist Creative Therapeutic Youth & Community Workers through our Social Enterprise Union Street Media Arts and working directly with people who work with people in a variety of ways.

Having cultivated top-level skills, tools and teachings in Integrative and Energy Medicine and Esoteric Teachings, we are passing on what we can to the Warriors of the New Epoch through our Mystery School, Earth School.

And these Warriors are not your run of the mill practitioners – they are being trained with the skills to relate to the wider Cosmic landscape, and take our place with our Galactic Family. If you want to know more about how we became Galactic Warriors, then take a look at this article.

The challenges we face on this planet are not Endemic to Earth and if we are really to combine our consciousness to create Heaven On Earth, we must realise and train for our Galactic powers. When we stand together, as a planet, we will become the most unshakable, fearless and fierce force.

Does this resonate with you? We’re curious to know Dear One, as it’s an important part of our growth and evolution to be with tribe.

We’re turning into a new Chapter and we want to know if you’re with us.

Please send us an email to natasha@yourearthclinic.com and let us know how you feel! We would LOVE to hear from you!

Especially as it’s been such a potent time for us, we’d love to connect with you and hear more about how you see your Galactic Warrior path unfolding. 

If you would like to explore how we can support your Galactic Warrior pathway, please book a free Discovery Call with me here.

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