Three Things You Can Do To Initiate Your Priest/ess Path

Within the Vedic tradition, the Brahmins were the class or caste of people who ‘hold knowledge’, particularly the knowledge held in the Vedas, which themselves are the written format of the unbroken aural tradition teachings of the Himalayas.

The responsibility was bestowed upon the Brahmins to steward humanity into an awakening out of the dark ages of Kali Yuga (epoch), which you can find out more about at this article I recently wrote.

The Brahmins received a series of teachings on their path including initiations into the most sacred and powerful of technologies, such as the mantras, yantras and sadhanas that the Rishis and Masters pass onto them. These teachings and initiations were to prepare the yogi, Priest or Priestess to show up to their community for the need of the hour and serve unconditionally.

Within all indigenous traditions, the Path Of Initiation is an important journey and rite of passage for people as well as those who seek to walk a path of service. This is a process that has largely been lost in the West and is now re-emerging in alignment to the indigenous ways that served us well.

Not only is this experience an important recalibration of our internal, emotional and energetic system, it is an opportunity to celebrate magic and miracle and lay ourselves down in  honourable reverence, to be humbled by the fleeting and phenomenal experience of life.

This is part of the play of life. The honouring of duality and where its brought us, what it’s taught us. And we come back to the oneness we are – remembering we are not separate form nature.

Keep reading below as I share three things you can do right now to fully align with your Priest/ess Path Of Initiation…

For those of you captivated by or longing to be on a guided, held Path of Initiation, this is what you can expect to experience when you enter into the constellation that is currently being created around Earth School…

Remember the light within and radiate infinitely

Experience the guidance in order to learn to guide others

Open up your inner vision to see clearly the world you are creating

Hear the innate wisdom and draw in the Creative Intelligence

Correct, refine and unburden your lower mind and purify your desires into your higher mind

Honour the Goddess within and without, the Creative Intelligence of form and matter that manifests in all it’s forms

Speak the message of pace, liberation and unconditional love to others



Being qualified to steward humanity into the light of the coming epoch is a responsibility that can only be held lightly once you unburden yourself of the need to fix, rescue and be a victim.

It asks of you to learn from your own challenges and take the treasure as gifts bestowed upon you.

It requires you to go to the depths that you will guide your community to.

This is the journey into an unshakable stability and Supreme, radical presence that is effortless and infinite.

Here are three things you can do right now to fully align with your Priest/ess Path Of Initiation…

1 – Find a way to acknowledge the challenges you have faced and draw out what you have learned from them. Perhaps journal or meditate on these. Maybe speak to others. Give gratitude to what you’ve learned and the gifts that these learnings have given to you. Say it out loud.

2 – Make an offering to the Divine – as a way of establishing your Creative presence and king yourself known to the Universe. Offer some herbs, flowers, sacred waters or anything else on your alter or to a place in nature. Perhaps make a mandala onto the Earth in a place in nature you love. While you make this offering, hold your appreciation for the teachings and lessons in your heart and give gratitude.

3 – Listen deeply, watch intently – PAY ATTENTION – to what comes next. You will receive signs, receive abundance or make connections. Something profound will show it to you as a gift and next step. It may be subtle – but allow yourself to appreciate it and sit with it, because I guarantee that it’s roots will run deep and be profound in its nature. Follow the inner guidance.

If you are ready to step onto the Path Of Initiation, please take a look at the three signature programmes we are offering in 2023. These are:

Holistic Coaching

Sacred Space-Holding

Energy Medicine Practitioner Training

We offer free Discovery Calls to discuss which course is right for you, aspects of the teachings, how you can make it financially work and anything else you may want to explore.

Resonating with you Dear Divine Ones, All our love xox

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