Why Eclipses Are So Intense

Eclipse energy can be disturbing to the very sensitive nervous systems of the human mind and body due to the way that the energies of the planets come into alignment and interact electromagnetically with Earth and us (see below). Being so sensitive to this process means that focus and commitment to maintain presence with the parts of our mind and burdens that get activated – is key.

I have noticed over the years, that eclipse portals do seem to be very challenging, emotionally and energetically. I personally am very sensitive around this time and I notice others are too. It seems to be easier at this time, for our parts to become destabalised and influenced by the reactions or behaviours of others too – especially if their parts are destabalised or triggered! It can be a never ending cycle. And  I am writing this, myself caught in this cycle, myself experiencing the fluctuations of the lower mind, influenced by how another feels, my parts unable to understand why. 

It’s not easy. And sometimes the way our parts feel is something that can only be addressed with time, space and energy work. Sometimes, all we can do is ground ourself and soothe our system. It would be really easy to blame all this on the Eclipse… And in some part there is truth in the Eclipse helping to bring  up our stuff…

Yet, again, when we are intentionally working on ourself, we are calling in these energies intensely. All this is happening for us – the eclipse – the astrology – everything – nature is happening  and holding space for us. We can Quantum Leap into our potential – if we face our shadow – as it is brought into our attention.

We do not “know” exactly in what manner the Solar Eclipses affect our energy systems but we do have some information and research out there that helps us to correlate a few important factors which can help us navigate these times better.

This amazing article by Amina Mundi lays out a number of theories and scientific information, I highly recommend it here.

For example – scientists have detected that the ionosphere – the atmosphere above the Earth that interacts with Celestial energies – gets “charged up” by the Sun and during the night and the eclipse – the chargin drops which affects our Earth’s electromagnetic (EM) field. See an article about this here. During an eclipse i can imagine that creates fluctuations in the Earths EM field, perhaps even a pulsation – and that absolutly will be affecting us during this time.

The gravitational force will be affected, as the Earth, Moon and the Sun align.

Our Endocrine System is known to produce hormonal changes during an Eclipse – which will send reverberations through our body.

And coming back to the emotional, mental and metaphysical interactions… The eclipse is the time of the occlusion of the light of the Sun by the Moon. The Sun is our Higher Self – our Central Self and relates to our internal fire (Solar Plexus – Manipura) and the Moon relates to our emotional body and influences our internal waters (Sacral – Swadisthana). An d so here – the Energy connected and chargin the Higher Self is blocked for some time by the emotional force of the Moon, influencing our emotional waters within.

Even before the Eclipse happens – this this already being felt in the body on an emotional level. There is not need to try to figure it out – simply allow this transition to show you what is there – what is being revealed or dislodged. honour it and work on it.

This phenomenon also of casting a shadow on the Earth is not just Symbolic – but also a time to take heed of what this shadow is revealing for us as individuals and as a collective.

And there is no better time on planet Earth to pay attention to this. Remember – the collective energy emanating from our Earth is also being felt by the planets in our Solar system – do not underestimate this. The other planets are listening/feeling, and are going to respond to us in whatever way is needed as we are a SELF-ORGANISING SYSTEM and and FAMILY.

So as the Moon occludes the Sun – it reflects back it’s energy and so the Sun charges up on it’s own energy. When the Moon orbits and the Sun is revealed once more – the energy of the Sunis more powerful- sending back the newly charged energy for us to replenish.

So potentially – we go from a drop in EM energy – then to an increate. This is why those with an unrefined energy system will find this distrurbing.

This is why we prepare our nervous systems and our energy systems to be able to withstand fluctuations in Celestial and Earth energies.

Here’s a video I made about how and why eclipse energies are so intense energetically.

I hope that you can navigate these times with as much grace and ease as you can muster.  Remember, you are human, and it’s ok to react or respond in a human way. Bring awareness and acknowledge those parts of you and bring your Self energy to them. Do things that give you access to Self. Honour and acknowledge this is all part of your journey.

Namaste and Blessings Divine Ones

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